Asenware Fire Alarm Smoke Detector uses a state-of-the-art optical sensing chamber. This detector is designed to provide open area protection and to be used with the most conventional fire alarm panel.
Operating Voltage Range: 9 to 28 VDC Non-polarized
Standby Current: ≤120uA@24VDC
Maximum Alarm Current(LED on): ≤15mA@24VDC
(1K Ohm current-limiting resistance)
Operating Humidity Range: ≤95%RH(40℃±2℃)RelativeHumidity, Non-condensing
Operating Temperature Range: -10℃ to 50℃(14ºF to 122ºF)
Smoke Alarm Sensitivity: 0.1-0.15dB/m
Height: 48.2mm installed in Base
Diameter: 99.45mm
Standard Number ref: EN 54-7:2000
EC certificate: 0832-CPR-F2071